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Sega Dreamcast Controller Port Kit with Battery Upgrade

Board Layout


Component Guide


47uF 10v Capacitor

Location: CE1

Capacitors keep a consistent flow of electricity to other components. They typically have a lifespan of 20 - 30 years and given the age of most Dreamcasts it is recommended to replace the capacitor now as preventive maintenance. Be sure to install the capacitor in the correct polarity with the longer lead facing toward the positive direction.


72v 400mA Resettable Fuse

Location: F1

Fuses are safety devices that prevent unsafe current from reaching vital components of your Dreamcast. Included with this kit is an upgraded “resettable” fuse. If the fuse ever blows it can be reset by leaving the Dreamcast unplugged for a few seconds without the need to replace the fuse.


Coin Cell Battery Holder

Location: BT1

The factory CMOS battery is soldered to the PCB and is not easily replaceable. This upgrade allows for future replacements of the CMOS battery without the need for soldering.


Maxell ML2032 3v Battery

The Maxell ML2032 3v Lithium ion rechargeable battery is the recommended replacement for the stock CMOS battery.


13 Ohm 0.5w Resistor

Location: R1

Resistors typically have a very long lifespan. It is included in this kit as an optional replacement.


Updated on 28 Jan 2023